Monday, December 28, 2009

B & W ?

I think, i have "found" my logo..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Preparing Portfolio

Hey all. Haven't been for a while..Finally started preparing my portfolio :)
So, the first they are !

Monday, November 30, 2009

Oil derricks of my city..

Hi everyone.
Haven't been here for a while. So, now I'd like to share with you the illustrations inspired by one of my favourite subjects - Oil Derricks in my native city Baku..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fashion - is my Passion

Have you ever asked yourself - What is fashion ?

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Don't wanna write here much.
That's just art :)

The first post..

Hi everyone. My name is Lyaman, it's an arabian name which means "a Light at Night". I am from Baku - the capital of Azerbaijan, the ancient country in Asia which is situated on the Caspian sea coast. 
What about myself.. I am doing fashion design and illustrations. And I'm gonna share with you my illustration and designs here in my blog.
Hope you'll enjoy it !